Three-Dimensional Free Surface Flows with Absorbing Boundary Conditions

Laura Battaglia, Mario A. Storti, Rodrigo R. Paz, Jorge D'Elía


The free surface incompressible fluid flow is solved through an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian strategy, considering a deformable single-phase domain with an artificial boundary, which is managed through an absorbing technique for avoiding spurious wave reflections at the contour. This absorbing strategy is based on the shallow water approximation, as introduced in previous works (Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Free-Surface Flows in Open Domains, Storti, M., Battaglia, L., Paz, R., and D’Elía, J., 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics - WCCM 2012; Interface-Tracking Free-Surface Flows in Open Domains, Battaglia, L., Storti, M. and D’Elía, J., Mecánica Computacional Vol. XXX, pp. 2209-2223). The resolution scheme consists of three numerical stages: (i) the fluid flow stage, where the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for viscous fluid flows are solved; (ii) the free surface transport; and (iii) the mesh movement, solved as a pseudo-elastic problem. The strategy is used for solving some three-dimensional free-surface flows in domains with at least one artificial boundary, emphasizing the effect of the proposed absorbing layer.

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