Algoritmo para Suavizaςão de Dados Via Ajuste de Curvas por Mínimos Quadrados com Detecςão de Dados Inválidos
An algorithm for data smoothing or validation by least square curve fitting, with a Chi-Square procedure of curve degree automatic selection is presented. The algorithm comprises an invalid data detection procedure based on the F distribution, which reaches its objective monitoring the contribution of each data point in the
quadratic residuum sum. The procedure application allows handling with a ratio of invalid to valid data greater than the usual procedure of data editing based on a tolerance zone around of adjusted curve. This can be clearly observed by comparing the tests results.
quadratic residuum sum. The procedure application allows handling with a ratio of invalid to valid data greater than the usual procedure of data editing based on a tolerance zone around of adjusted curve. This can be clearly observed by comparing the tests results.
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ISSN 2591-3522